Ellie Guerra's profile

Guile Logo Animation

Guile - Logo Animation
For this project, we (CreateApe) worked with Guile, a barbershop that's also focused on teaching new barbers about the newly discovered trends and styles and is building a website that will offer educational videos. We had a very interesting and fun meeting in which they wanted a logo animation that could be compared to those console start logos, along with what EA had animated in the past. This was the reference:
After successfully researching the client and after some meetings, I came up with this storyboard:
I did some color adjustments after the UX/UI designers on our team, delivered the style sheet:
This is the final result, the end screen glass explosion is supposed to serve both as a transition to other logos that might be displayed as a partnership or to just serve as a transition to the video episode. I added the SFX (used 32 sounds to make this sound more realistic) and the client was absolutely in love.
Guile Logo Animation


Guile Logo Animation
